Students Accommodation in Lyon

If you are a student in one of the french universities, you have the right as all the students to abtain the APL (aide personnalisée au logement) which is a financial aid that will help you a bit in paying your appartment. Its value depends on your appartment rent and your income.To obtain it you have to file an application to the nearest CAF (Caisse d'allocations familliales) and provide the following documents: 

•    a copy of your rental agreement
•    proof of your rental payment
•    a copy of your electrical bill
•    a copy of your student visa
•    a copy of your passport
•    results of a medical visit showing that you are in good health
•    a birth certificate translated into French (consult your Embassy)
•    proof of a bank account
•    copy of your tax return filed in France (proof of revenues)

La Caf

Address: 67 Bd Marius Vivier Merle, 69002 Lyon


1 Pl. du 8 Mai 1945, 69008 Lyon


CROUS (Centre d'informations des oeuvres universitaires et sociales) 

The CROUS provides diverse services to the sudents, appartments, restauration, ...

Crous de Lyon
Address: 59 Rue de la Madeleine, 69007 Lyon
opens: Monday to Friday 9 :00 to 12 :30 and 13:30 to 17:00


and you have other options to find YOUR place, with the price that you want. And here are some websites that are going to help you on your search for your appartment: