Students accommodation in Lyon
As a student enrolled in one of the french universities, the have the right to obtain the APL which means the "aide personnalisé au logement". you have to file an application for it in the CAF (Caisse d'allocation familliales )to be given to you. this aid will be given according to your income and will vary from 90 to180 euros a month and it depends on the room or the appartment superficy and if it was furnished with taking into consideration that the living area is 9 m² per person or 16 m² per two.
Caf (Caisse d'Allocations Familliales) de lyon
Adress: 67 Bd Marius Vivier Merle, 69002 Lyon
Adress:1 Pl. du 8 Mai 1945, 69008 Lyon
Documents to provide upon filing your application:
• a copy of your rental agreement
• proof of your rental payment
• a copy of your electrical bill
• a copy of your student visa
• a copy of your passport
• results of a medical visit showing that you are in good health
• a birth certificate translated into French (consult your Embassy)
• proof of a bank account
• copy of your tax return filed in France (proof of revenues)