MSC in Marketing Strategy and Data Analytics

MSC degree recognized by the State
The MSc in Marketing Strategy and Data Analytics will build your knowledge of international business practices, strategic management, financial management and digital business.
The program is also defined by its hands-on approach relying on business games, business tours and Capstone projects. You will also take part in the PSB Challenge Innovation.
This MSC will teach you how to master data-driven marketing tools and methods. You will be able to identify,extract, analyse relevant insights from raw statistics and take strategic marketing decisions.
PSB gives its students the option to study a 12-month or a 16-month degree. The later costing an extra 3200€, which accounts for the additional ressources needed to extend the study period.
Business Core:
- Marketing Management
- Strategic Management
- International Business
- Financial Management
- Digital Business
Leadership & Professional Skills Modules:
- Advanced Productivity Digital Tools
- Business Game
- Business Tour
- Career Management
- Capstone Project
- PSB Challenge Innovation
Advanced Core Component:
- Quantitative and qualitative marketing analytics
- Marketing strategic management
- Data driven quantitative marketing research
- Data driven qualitative marketing research
- IT Management for integrated marketing communications strategy
- Search, social & supply chain management
- Digital communications analytics & media
- Data analytics for marketing in action
- Cross Cultural Management
- Elective French Course
- European Markets
- Comparative Business Law
- Public Relations: Branding Through Social Media
- Event Management
Online Courses:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Making Effective Career Decisions
- Business Negotiation
- Giving Sense to your Leadership
- Marketing in a Digital World
- Introduction to Negotiation
The Msc in Marketing Strategy and Data Analytics is designed to prepare students for careers in businesses related to marketing:
- Marketing Data Scientist
- Market Research Project Manager
- Brand Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Web and Data Analyst
- Bank Risk Manager
- Originator of Securities
- Portfolio Manager
- Fund Manager
In order to apply for the MSC Marketing Strategy and Data Analytics:
- For the 12- month degree: 4 years of undergraduate study - 210 ECTS
- For the 16-month degree: 3 years of undergraduate study - 180 ECTS
To apply:
Download application form OR CONTACT us
Students will be requested to send the necessary documents later on in the admission process (like the application form filled and signed, copy of highest degree completed, copy of passport, short resume...)
In addition, Candidates are required to pass an interview, the interviews are conducted in English by telephone or Skype.
Candidates will receive the Admission board’s decision by post and by email. Upon admission, each candidate receives an acceptance letter.