MSC in Luxury and Fashion Management

MSC degree recognized by the State
The MSC in Luxury & Fashion Management is the ideal program for professionals wanting to further their knowledge in business and specialize in the fast-growing, lucrative domains of luxury and fashion.
Students interested in Luxury and Fashion benefit from Paris' unique position in the world. Strong academic learning is made relevant through company visits and exploratory field trips. Guest speakers share their industry-specific knowledge with students, who may also participate in company projects. Learning is particularly dynamic and interactive: syllabi clarify the body of knowledge to be mastered, while reference textbooks facilitate student preparation and home-learning. Our experienced international faculty brings academic and professional learning to life. Our specialized faculty members utilize cutting-edge teaching methods.
The MSC in Luxury & Fashion Management provides students with the tools and understanding necessary to create and promote luxury brands.
This rigorous program lasts 12 months and covers all aspects of this lucrative industry including fashion, leisure, hotels, yachts, private jets, wineries and more. Key components of the program included comprehension of consumer behavior, marketing techniques, entrepreneurship and networking. We invite guest speakers from the luxury & fashion industries to give seminars throughout the year, giving our students the opportunity to create important links with professionals working in the field.
1st Trimester: Foundation courses
- History of Civilisations and origins of Luxury
- Luxury Marketing and Distribution
- International Luxury Brand Management
- Financial Management
- Social Marketing and sustainable development
- Integrated Marketing communication
- Business Law & Intellectual Propert
- Management of Innovation and Business Development
For the 2nd and the 3rd Trimesters you choose 1 between 2 Specializations:
- First Specialization: Luxury & Fashion
- History of Haute Couture & Ready to Wear
- Fashion Strategic Marketing and trends Analysis
- Strategy business modeling
- Fashion Social Media Marketing Strategy
- Brand strategy and Fashion Licensing
- History of social Costume and social Evolution
- Merchandising Strategies for fashion retailers
- Italian Fashion Management industry
- Accessories and Leather Goods
- Human Recourse Management
- Second Specialization: Luxury & Lifestyle
- The welness industry
- Luxury Automotive Industry
- Merchandiding of luxury products
- Strategy Business modeling
- Luxury Jewelry Industry
- Watch Business Fundamentals
- French Etiquette
- Private Jets and Yachting Industry
- High Gastronomy
- Wine Marketing
- Fragrance and cosmectics Management
- Tourism & Hospitality Management
Students with an MSC in Luxury & Fashion Management go on to work as:
International Brand Directors, International Product Managers, International Purchase Managers in Luxury Goods, International Luxury Business Development Managers, Buyers, and Fashion Consultants, etc.
In order to apply for the MSC in Luxury and Fashion Management program:
- Candidates must have obtained an undergraduate degree (B.A. , B.Sc. , or equivalent)
- Non-native English speakers must provide proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL or TOEIC or IELTS results)
To apply:
Download application form OR CONTACT us
Students will be requested to send the necessary documents later on in the admission process (like the application form filled and signed, copy of highest degree completed, copy of passport, short resume...)
In addition, Candidates are required to pass an interview, the interviews are conducted in English by telephone or Skype.
Candidates will receive the Admission board’s decision by post and by email. Upon admission, each candidate receives an acceptance letter.