Executive DBA

DBA Degree, IACBE accreditation in progress
This degree offers the unique opportunity to broaden your personal and professional horizons.
Students focus their research on one of the following fields: finance, strategy, international business & operations management, human resource management or organization behavior.
Supervisors are all highly qualified scholars with Ph.D. degrees from some of the most prestigious institutes of higher education around the world.
The Executive DBA program will help publish a selection of completed doctoral dissertations thanks to an agreement with a highly distinguished editor.
The first part of the program is designed around core methodology courses and seminars to develop participants' research methodology skills while clarifying their research projects.
The second part: is closely supervised by a scholar from the doctoral faculty. Students organize their research topic and engage in the process of writing the doctoral dissertation.
Year 1 courses:
- Introduction to research methods
- Philosophical approaches to management research & epistemology
- Advanced quantitative research methods
- Advanced qualitative research methods
Year 2 courses:
- Presentation and defense
- Thesis proposal
- Academic writing workshops
- Supervisory meetings
- Presentation and Defense of candidate's Thesis
Many students become faculty members of top international universities and business schools, but the options are endless:
Corporate Directors, Executive Directors, Diplomats, Journalists, Authors, Chairman’s of Boards, or International Policymakers.
In order to apply for the Executive DBA:
- Applicants should be graduates from a Master's degree program with a strong professional profile: Managers & Executives, Consultants, Advanced Students, and Teachers of Business.
- In exceptional cases, outstanding Bachelor degree graduates may also enroll in our Executive DBA: a Master level preliminary track would have to be completed before joining the Executive DBA.
To apply:
Download application form OR CONTACT us
Students will be requested to send the necessary documents later on in the admission process (like the application form filled and signed, copy of highest degree completed, copy of passport, short resume...)
In addition, Candidates are required to pass an interview, the interviews are conducted in English by telephone or Skype.
Candidates will receive the Admission board’s decision by post and by email. Upon admission, each candidate receives an acceptance letter.