Transportation in Bordeaux
There are several transportation options available in Bordeaux, provided by Bordeaux’s public transportation network (TBC). This network offers numerous combinations of transport options.
Tram lines:
There are three different tram lines A, B, and C in Bordeaux which operate all week long from 5am to 00.30 (and until 1.15am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays). On average there is a tram every 10 minutes, and about every 6 minutes between 7am and 8pm.
Bus Routes:
• The Lianes are fast and go further: 13 bus routes, and the simple and direct routes cross the tram lines at least twice. An average of 10 mins between each bus, from 7am -8pm.
• The Corols avoid the centre: 6 routes on the outskirts which travel within the Bordeaux Urban Community, whilst avoiding the centre of Bordeaux. There are many connections with the Lianes buses and Trams. Frequency: 20 - 30 mins
• The Citéis, short-distance: 8 routes for short-distance travel within the centre and suburbs, these buses generally do round trips in both directions. Frequency: 20, 30 or 60 mins
• Flexo and Resago. Custom routes:
The Flexo buses have regular routes, and some stops are request-only
The Résago buses: 3 routes, where the place of departure depends on bookings made by telephone the day before.
There are other classic bus routes which complete the services. They serve all residential and business areas, as well as places of study and leisure sites.
Vcub is a self-service bicycle system available 24/7 at 139 locations within the Bordeaux Urban Community. Once registered, the use of bikes for under 30 minutes is free. Check bike availability on their website.
Bordeaux at night:
• Trams and Lianes are available until 1.15am
• Line 58 (Paludate/Victoire/Campus) is available between 1.30am and 5.30am
• Evening Flexo, is available until 2am
• VCub is available 24 hours a day
Options for everyone
• The TBC transportation network offers various options for daily travel in Bordeaux. With unlimited access to the network, for 7 days, 1 month or 1 year, depending on your subscription, including:
- The Young Persons card for those under 28 years old
- The 'Cité Pass' for those over 28 years
- The 'Cité Pass Duo' for couples who live together
• For occasional passengers:
- The 'Tickartes': 1, 5 or 10 journeys
- The 'Tickarte park and ride' for drivers
• For evening outings:
The 'Pass Soirée'
• Available directly from the bus drivers.
'Tickarte' for 1 journey only.